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"Transcorporeality" Exhibit at Museum Ludwig, Cologne, 9/2019-1/2020

I am pleased to learn of this art exhibit based on my work! I hope I can see it.

"EX­HI­BI­TION: HERE AND NOW at Mu­se­um Lud­wigTran­s­cor­po­re­al­i­ties9/21/2019 – 1/19/2020Un­der the ti­tle Tran­s­cor­po­re­al­i­ties, the fifth ex­hi­bi­tion in the HERE AND NOW at Mu­se­um Lud­wig se­ries is ded­i­cat­ed to the com­plex­i­ty of cor­po­re­al­i­ty. Cer­tain new ma­te­rial­ist and posthu­man­ist the­o­ries as­sume that all bodies are porous, open sys­tems that con­s­tant­ly in­terchange with other bodies and their en­vi­ron­ment. This idea of “tran­s­cor­po­re­al­i­ty” could al­so be ap­plied to the mu­se­um: in­stead of a hermet­ic fortress and tem­ple of an art-his­tor­i­cal canon, it can be un­der­s­tood as a perme­able body that defines and trans­forms it­self as a liv­ing or­gan­ism in a per­pe­t­u­al metabolic pro­cess through ex­ter­nal in­flu­ences. In this sense, the ex­hi­bi­tion will ac­ti­vate a tran­si­tio­n­al space of the mu­se­um: in­ter­na­tio­n­al artists and col­lec­tives will turn the foy­er in­to a nim­ble ex­hi­bi­tion space with a stage for per­for­mance, dance, ar­tis­tic re­search, dis­cus­sion, and dia­logue. All works and con­tri­bu­tions are linked by an ex­am­i­na­tion of cor­po­re­al pro­cess­es of trans­for­ma­tion and the perme­able boun­daries be­tween na­ture and cul­ture, hu­mans and machines, or in­di­vi­d­u­als and the en­vi­ron­ment."

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Environmental Humanities, Science Studies, Blue Humanities + Marine Science Studies; New Materialism, Trans-corporeality, Posthumanisms + Multispecies Studies; Gender Theory; 20th/21st Century Literature; Theory and Cultural Studies.

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