Elements! New Book Series at Duke.
I'm editing a book series with Nicole Starosielski and Managing Editor Courtney Berger, for Duke University Press. The Elements series seeks texts attuned to the material specificity of their sites and objects of study--texts that travel where that materiality takes them. The series welcomes projects with a commitment to examining social and cultural processes in relation to particular forms of matter, regardless of disciplinary approach. In assembling diverse inquiries into particular forms of matter, we hope that the series will be a meeting ground for work on earth, water, air, chemicals, minerals, fuels, plastics, and other such substances as they circulate and interact with and as part of environmental, technological, cultural and political formations. (Please contact me if you are interested in publishing in this series). https://www.dukeupress.edu/Catalog/ProductList.php?viewby=series&id=92