Dr. Stacy Alaimo
Barbara and Carlisle Moore Professor in English;
Director of Graduate Studies for English;
Core Faculty Member, Environmental Studies;
COLT Participating Faculty; CSWS Faculty Affiliate;
University of Oregon
Essays, Articles + More
Articles and Chapters (Long)
“New Materialism and its Discontents,” in progress.
Invited essay for exhibition catalog, Julian Charrière. Midnight Zone. Museum Tinguely, Basel, Switzerland, in progress.
“Weird Abyss,” for “Weird Geographies” essay cluster proposed by Ali Sperling and Jonathan Turnbull, in progress.
“Spectral Species in the Political Abyss: From Living Fossils to Presumed Extinctions,” for Blue Extinctions, ed. Rachel Murray and Veronica Fibisan, forthcoming, 2024.
“Deep Sea Speculations: Science and the Animating Arts of William Beebe, Else Bostelmann, and John Wickham” (invited essay from plenary talk) Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts, 33.3 2023: 69-91.
“The Portal Was Already Here: Epistemological Rupture, Speculation, and Design in the Long 2020.” For The Long 2020, ed. Richard Grusin and Maureen E. Ryan (Minneapolis: U of Minnesota Press, 2023): 3-13.
“New Materialism.” For After the Human, edited by Sherryl Vint. Cambridge UP, 2020: 177-191.
“Adequate Imaginaries for Anthropocene Seas.” Afterword. Ocean Legalities: The Law and Life of the Sea, ed. Irus Braverman and Elizabeth Johnson, Duke UP, 2020, 311-326.
“Transcorporeality: from Bodily Natures to the Immersive Arts of the Anthropocene.” Museum Catalog book for “Transcorporeality” Exhibit, Museum Ludwig, Cologne Germany, Fall 2020: 208-221, English and German.
“Hurricanes, Popsicles, and Plankton: The Hybrid Ecologies of Bodily Natures,” “Hurrikane, Eis am Stiel und Plankton: Die hybriden Ökologien körperlicher Naturen.” Hybrid Ecologies, ed. Marietta Kesting, Maria Muhle, Jenny Nachtigall, Susanne Witzgall, Munich, Germany (in English and German) 2020: 119-133. https://www.diaphanes.net/titel/hybride-oekologien-5673i Volume reprinted in English in 2021.
“Wanting all the Species to Be: Extinction, Environmental Visions, and Intimate Aesthetics.” Special issue of Australian Feminist Studies, on Feminist Environmental Humanities, eds., Astrida Neimanis, Jenn Hamilton. Fall 2019: 2-16.https://doi.org/10.1080/08164649.2019.1698284
“Anthropocene Materiality: Puddles, Purses, Jellies, and Nests,” for Nature after Nature, exhibition catalog, curated by Susanne Pfeffer, Kassell: Fridericianum Museum, 2018: 311-319. (Published in English and German.)
“Material Feminisms in the Anthropocene.” Cecilia Äsberg and Rosi Braidotti, editors, Feminist Companion to the Posthumanities. Springer, 2018, 45-54.
“Unmoor.” Veer Ecology: Keywords for Ecotheory. Ed. Jeffrey J. Cohen and Lowell Duckert, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2017: 407-420.
“Your Shell on Acid: Material Immersion, Anthropocene Dissolves.” Richard Grusin and John C. Blum eds. Anthropocene Feminisms, University of Minnesota Press, 2017: 89-120.
“The Anthropocene at Sea: Temporality, Paradox, Compression.” Routledge Companion to the Environmental Humanities, ed. Jon Christensen, Ursula K. Heise, Michelle Niemann. 2017: 153-162.
“Ecology.” Invited essay for Sources, Perspectives, and Methodologies, primer volume of the Gender series, Macmillan Interdisciplinary Handbooks, MacMillan Cengage, 2016: 41-54.
“Elemental Love in the Anthropocene.” Elemental Ecocriticism. Ed, Jeffery J. Cohen and Lowell Duckert. University of Minnesota Press, 2015: 298-309.
“Nature.” Oxford Feminist Theory Handbook, ed. Lisa Jane Disch and Mary Hawkesworth. Oxford University Press, 2015: 530-550.
“Oceanic Origins, Plastic Activism, and New Materialism at Sea” Invited essay for Material Ecocriticism, edited by Serenella Iovino, Serpil Oppermann, University of Indiana Press, 2014: 186-203.
“Feminist Science Studies and Ecocriticism: Aesthetics and Entanglement in the Deep Sea.” Invited essay for the Oxford Handbook of Ecocriticism, ed. Greg Garrard. Oxford UP, Spring 2014): 188-204. http://www.oxfordhandbooks.com/view/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199742929.001.0001/oxfordhb-9780199742929-e-014
“Violet-Black: Ecologies of the Abyssal Zone.” Invited chapter for Prismatic Ecologies: Ecotheory Beyond Green, edited by Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2013: 233-251.
“Jellyfish Science, Jellyfish Aesthetics: Posthuman Reconfigurations of the Sensible.” Invited essay for Thinking With Water, edited by Janine MacLeod, Cecilia Chen, and Astrida Neimanis. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, Canada. 2013: 139-164.
“Sustainable This, Sustainable That: New Materialisms, Posthumanism, and Unknown Futures.” Invited essay for the PMLA (Publication of the Modern Language Association), “Theories and Methodologies” section. 127.3 (May 2012): 558-564.
“States of Suspension: Trans-Corporeality at Sea,” Invited essay for special issue of ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, on “Material Ecocriticsm,” ed. by Heather Sullivan and Dana Phillips. 19.3 Summer 2012: 476-493.
“Dispersing Disaster: The Deepwater Horizon, Ocean Conservation, and the Immateriality of Aliens.” Invited essay for Disasters, Environmentalism, and Knowledge. Ed. Sylvia Mayer and Christof Mauch, the Bavarian American Academy, the Universitätsverlag, Heidelberg, Germany, 2012: 175-192.
“Eluding Capture: The Science, Culture and Pleasure of “Queer” Animals.” Invited essay for Queer Ecologies: Sex, Nature, Politics, Desire, ed. Catriona Mortimer-Sandilands and Bruce Erickson, Indiana UP, 2010: 15-36.
“The Naked Word: The Trans-corporeal Ethics of the Protesting Body.” 20.1 Women & Performance, 2010: 15-36. Republished in Swedish: "Det nakna ordet. Den protesterande kroppens transkorporala etik." (Trans. Anna Karlsson). TGV, Tidskrift för genusvetenskap (Journal of Gender Studies), 2011: 4.
“Insurgent Vulnerability and the Carbon Footprint of Gender.” Women, Gender & Research. (Kvinder, Kon og Forskning, Denmark) 3 2009: 22-35. (Distributed at COP15, international climate change summit, December 2009).
“MCS Matters: Material Agency in the Science and Practices of Environmental Illness.” Invited essay for special Issue of TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, Spring 2009: 9-28.
“Introduction: Emerging Models of Materiality in Feminist Theory,” (with Susan J. Hekman) in Material Feminisms. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2008: 1-19.
“Trans-Corporeal Feminisms and the Ethical Space of Nature,” in Material Feminisms. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2008: 237-264. (Portuguese translation). “Trans-corporeal Feminisms and the Ethical Space of Nature,” originally published in Material Feminisms. Trans., by Susana Funck. As “Feminismos transcorpóreos e o espaço ético da natureza” for special section on New (Feminist) Materialisms in Revista Estudos Feministas (Brazil) 25.2, 2017.]
"The Trouble with Texts, or Teaching Green Cultural Studies in Texas,” in Teaching North American Environmental Literatures, ed. Frederick O. Waage, Mark Long, and Laird Christensen. New York: MLA, 2008: 369-376.
“This is about Pleasure: An Ethics of Inhabiting,” in Architecture, Ethics, and the Personhood of Place, ed. Gregory Caicco. University Press of New England, 2007: 151-172.
“‘Comrades of Surge’: Meridel Le Sueur, Cultural Studies, and the Corporeal Turn,” ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 12.2 Winter 2005: 55-74.
“Discomforting Creatures: Monstrous Natures in Recent Films,” in Beyond Nature Writing, ed. Karla Armbruster and Kathleen Wallace, Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2001: 279-296.
“Cultural Difference and Epistemic Rupture: The Vanishing Acts of Guillermo Gómez-Peña and Alfredo Véa Jr.” MELUS (Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the U. S. 25.2 Summer 2000: 163-185.
“Endangered Humans?: Wired Bodies and the Human Wilds,” Camera Obscura 40-41 (May 1997): 227-244.
“The Undomesticated Ground of Feminism: Mary Austin and the Progressive Women Conservationists,” Studies in American Fiction 26.1 (Spring 1998): 73-96.
“Displacing Darwin and Descartes: The Bodily Transgressions of Fielding Burke, Linda Hogan, and Octavia Butler,” ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 3.1 (Fall 1996): 47-66. Reprinted as “‘Skin Dreaming’: The Bodily Transgressions of Fielding Burke, Linda Hogan, and Octavia Butler,” in Ecofeminist Literary Criticism: Theory, Interpretation, Pedagogy, edited by Greta Gaard and Patrick D. Murphy, University of Illinois, 1998. Excerpted and reprinted in Contemporary Literary Criticism (section on Linda Hogan,) ed. Jeffrey Hunter. Gale Cenage 2010: 166-174.
"Cyborg and Ecofeminist Interventions: Challenges for Environmental Feminism." Feminist Studies 20.1 (Spring 1994): 133-152.
“The Morgesons: A Feminist Dialogue of Bildung and Descent," Legacy: A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Women Writers 8.1 (Spring 1991): 29-37.
Essays, Response Essays, Position Papers, Manifestos, Commentaries, Review Essays, Preface
“Telling Stories about Unknown Lives: Relationality Speculation, and World Building.” Afterword for “Multispecies Justice and Narrative,” Special Issue of The Minnesota Review, edited by Nate Otjen and Danielle Celermajer. 2024.
“Caring for Weeds: Specimens, Speculative Intimacy, and Anthropocene Aesthetics,” invited for “A singularly marine & fabulous produce”: The Cultures of Seaweed, exhibition catalog edited by Naomi Slipp, New Bedford Whaling Museum, 2023.
“Global Exposures, Local Repair.” Preface for Korean translation of Exposed: Politics and Pleasures in Posthuman Times, forthcoming 2023.
“Transcorporeality II: Covid and Climate Change.” More Posthuman Glossary. Ed. Rosi Braidotti, Emily Jones, Goda Klumbyte, Bloomsbury: 2022: 147-149.
“The best books for understanding what it means to be part of this post-natural planet,” invited reviews for Book Shepherd, November, 2022. https://shepherd.com/best-books/thinking-of-ourselves-as-the-environment
Foreword, “The Atlas at Hand: Mapping as New Materialist Practice, Politics, and Design,” An Atlas of Material Worlds: Mapping Nonliving Agency (or Parables for the New Materialist Wayfarer), ed. Matthew Seibert. Routledge, 2021. (4 pages.)
“Standing,” for special section in Resilience, on Sarah Cameron Sunde's 36.5: A Durational Performance with the Sea, edited by Una Chaudhuri, Resilience, Vol. 7.2-3, 2020: 227-230.
Afterword, ““Drink Up! Losing Yourself in the Contact Zone.” Invited afterword, for special issue of Postmedieval,"Fur/Flesh/Fabric: The Body, its Borders, and the (un)Limited Human in Medieval Literature,” ed. Lise Leet, 11, 2020: 112-118. (3000 words).
“Foreword: Gender, Ecology, and New Materialisms,” in Gendered Ecologies, ed. Jillmarie Murphy and Dewey W. Hall (Clemson University Press), 2020: 1-5.
“Mother Earth,” Compiled an essay based on excerpts of Undomesticated Ground, as requested by Nuda Paper (commercial magazine sold in Stockholm, Paris, Berlin, and London), 15 pages, Fall 2019.
Afterword: “What is Absent: Fields, Futures and Latinx Environmentalisms” in Latinx Environmentalisms, ed. David J. Vásquez, Sarah Wald, Sarah Ray, and Priscilla Ybarra (Temple UP), 2019: 295-302.
Guest Editor’s Introduction, “Science Studies and the Blue Humanities,” special volume on Configurations 27 (Fall 2019): 429-32.
“Crossing Time, Space, and Species.” Afterword for Environmental Humanities 11.1 special issue on “Toxic Embodiment.” Ed. Olga Cielemecka and Cecilia Asberg., 2019: 239-241.
“From Rusty Genetics to Octopussy’s Garden.” Roundtable on Middlesex, edited by Cate Sandilands and Kaitlan Blanchard. The Goose: A Journal of Arts, Environment, and Culture in Canada, 17. 1, 2018 (1,700 words).
“Trans-corporeal.” Entry for The Posthuman Glossary, on the concept I developed, ed. Rosi Braidotti and Maria Hlavajova, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018: 435-437.
Preface. Disability Studies and the Environmental Humanities. Ed. Sarah Jaquette Ray and Jay Sibara. University of Nebraska Press, 2017: ix-xvi.
“Introduction: Gender and Matter.” In Matter, volume editor, Alaimo, part of the Gender series, MacMillan Interdisciplinary Handbooks, Editor, renee hoogland; Associate Editors, Nicole Fleetwood and Iris Van der Tuin. 2017: xiii-xviii.
“When the Newt Shut Off the Lights: Scale, Practice, Politics” Teaching Climate Change in Literary and Cultural Studies, ed. Stephanie LeMenager, Stephen Siperstein and Shane D. Hall. Invited, 2016: 31-36.
“Animals.” Essay for Keywords for Environmental Studies, ed. Joni Adamson, William Gleason, David N. Pellow. New York: NYU Press, 2015: 9-13.
“Bring your Shovel.” Manifesto for inaugural issue of Resilience: A Journal of the Environmental Humanities. 1.1 December 2013: (1 page).
“Thinking as the Stuff of the World.” Invited essay for inaugural issue of O-Zone: A Journal of Object-Oriented Studies, 1.1 Autumn 2013: 13-21. http://o-zone-journal.org/short-essay-cluster
“Sexual Matters: Darwinian Feminism and the Nonhuman Turn.” J19: Journal of Nineteenth Century Americanists. 1.2 (Fall 2013): 390-396.
“New Materialisms, Old Humanisms: or, Following the Submersible.” Invited position paper for the “Taking Turns” series in NORA: Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research. 19.4: (December 2011): 280-284. Reprinted in Researching Gender, ed. Christina Hughes, SAGE, 2012, Sage Fundamentals of Applied Research series.
“Ecology.” Invited essay. The Routledge Companion to Literature and Science, ed. Bruce Clarke and Manuela Rossini, New York: Routledge, 2010: 100-111.
“Material Engagements: Science Studies and the Environmental Humanities.” Invited position paper for the inaugural issue of Ecozon@ European Journal on Literature, Culture, and Environment 1.1 (Spring 2010) 69-74.
“Ecofeminism without Nature? Questioning the Relation between Feminism and Environmentalism.” Invited commentary for the International Feminist Journal of Politics, 10.3 2008: 299-304.
“Feminism, Nature, and Discursive Ecologies,” special issue of the Electronic Book Review, on Critical Ecologies, guest edited by Cary Wolfe. EBR IV (Winter 1996-7), http://www.altx.com/ebr/ebr4/alaimo.htm.
Reprints, Translations, Notable Distributions
Translations of Complete Books
(Italian translation) Exposed: Environmental Politics and Pleasures in Posthuman Times (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 2016). Allo Scoperto, Politiche e Piaceri Ambientali in Epoche Posth-umane, Preface by Angelo Balzano; translated by Laura Fontenella. Mimesis Press, 2024. Interview with editor, Angela Balzano, in Italian magazine, NOT, Spring, 2024. Reviewed in Art Tribune, interview between the translator and author forthcoming. https://www.artribune.com/editoria/2024/03/stacy-alaimo-libro-ecofemminista/
(Korean translation), Exposed: Environmental Politics and Pleasures in Posthuman Times (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 2016). Chungnam National University Press, Spring 2023.
(Korean Translation) of Bodily Natures: Science, Environment, and the Material Self, by Joon Yoon, the first book in the series, Body and Society, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea, 2018. Chosen as “21st century thinkers in the world,” in Korean paper, Munwhailbo, http://www.munhwa.com/news/view.html?no=2020021801031412000001&fbclid=IwAR2Lje0PmD9d38NjIH0ZNTEjSDcUbvtagfI4fcvx_3yXSzJbh1VvcOoe13o
Reprints and Translations of Book Chapters, Articles, Interviews, and more
(Reprint) Excerpt from “Your Shell on Acid: Material Immersion, Anthropocene Dissolves” reprinted in A Book for Disappearance, Institute of Postnatural Studies, Spain, spring 2024.
(Spanish Translation) Translation of “Your Shell on Acid: Material Immersion, Anthropocene Dissolves” for Art Exhibit in Santiago Chile, "Concha en Acido" by Elizabeth Burmann Littin, based on that chapter.
(Reprint) Excerpts from “Your Shell on Acid: Material Immersion, Anthropocene Dissolves,” a chapter from Exposed, reprinted in Oceans, ed. Pandora Syperek and Sarah Wade, Documents of Contemporary Art series, Whitechapel/MIT, 2023.
(Interview on the blue humanities, published in Danish) with Bodil Skovgaard Nielsen, for Information, a large national Danish newspaper, 2023.
(Japanese translation and reprint.) “Transcorporeality: An interview with Stacy Alaimo by Julia Kuznetski” Trans. Keitaro Morita. In Gendai-Shiso (The Contemporary Thought “one of the most well-read academic journal-magazines in Japan.”) 2022: 209-220. アライモ,S.・クズネツキー,J.(聞き手)(2022).「超身体性――ステイシー・アライモへのインタビュー」(森田系太郎・訳)『現代思想』第50巻,第2号(2022年2月号209-220頁,[原著:2020年]
(Italian translation and reprint.) “Conchiglie in acido. Immersioni materiali e dissolvenze nell’Antropocene,” “Your Shell on Acid: Material Immersion, Anthropocene Dissolves,” from Exposed: Environmental Politics and Pleasures in Posthuman Times, translated and reprinted in a volume edited by Angela Balzano, Illario Santoemma, and Elisa Bosisio, Conchiglie, Pinguini, Staminali: Verso Futuri Transpecies (Penguins, Shells, and Stem Shells: Toward Transpecies Futures), April 2022: 143-168.
(Portuguese Translation and reprint). Introduction from Bodily Natures for RILE, ASLE journal in Brasil, Zelia Bora.
(Reprint) "Deviant Agents: The Science, Culture, and Politics of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity" from Bodily Natures, in Literature and the Environment: Critical and Primary Sources, Volume 3, edited by Stephanie LeMenager and Teresa Shewry. London: Bloomsbury, 2021.
(Reprint) “Standing,” for special section in Resilience, on Sarah Cameron Sunde's 36.5: A Durational Performance with the Sea, edited by Una Chaudhuri, Resilience, Vol. 7.2-3, 2020: 227-230. Reprinted in Signaling Through the Waves, ed. Una Chaudhuri, University of Nebraska Press, 2020.
(Crossover Reprint) Excerpts from Undomesticated Ground, on “Mother Earth,” reprinted in Nuda Paper (Stockholm), 2019.
(Two Reprints) Excerpt from “Violet-Black: Ecologies of the Abyssal Zone,” in Prismatic Ecologies: Ecotheory Beyond Green, edited by Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2014, “reprinted” (prior to publication) in Aquatopia, the catalogue from the “Aquatopia” art exhibition, Nottingham Contemporary Museum and Tate St. Ives, United Kingdom, 2013. Reprinted in Lisa Mazza, Andrés Jacques, Lucia Pietroiusti, and Marina Otero, More-than-Human, Het Nieuwe Instituut, Netherlands, 2020. https://www.ideabooks.nl/9789083015293-more-than-human
(Spanish Translation and reprint) “Genetics, Material Agency, and the Evolution of Posthuman Environmental Ethics in Science Fiction," chapter from Bodily Natures, translated into Spanish and reprinted in a volume on the evolution of ecocriticism edited by Imelda Martín Junquera and Carmen Flys (in progress).
(Reprint for legal studies) “Climate Systems, Carbon-Heavy Masculinity, and Feminist Exposure" from Exposed: Environmental Politics and Pleasures in Posthuman Times, reprinted in Environmental Justice, edited by Anna Grear, for The International Library of Law and the Environment, Edward Elgar Publishing May 2020.
(Romanian translation and reprint) “Jellyfish Science, Jellyfish Aesthetics: Posthuman Reconfigurations of the Sensible,” translated as “Ştiinţa meduzelor, estetica meduzelor: Reconfigurări postumane ale sensibilului” and reprinted in Post/h/um. Jurnal de studii (post)umaniste (Post/h/um. Journal of (Post)Humanist Studies) 2020, https://posthum.ro/5-2-animalul/stacy-alaimo-stiinta-meduzelor-estetica-meduzelor-reconfigurari-postumane-ale-sensibilului/
(Estonian) Interview with Dr. Julia Tofantšuk, “Keha on lahinguväli,Feministlik keskkonnateadlane Stacy Alaimo: „Transkorporeaalsus tähendab, et maailmas on inimene lahutamatult seotud materiaalsete ainete vooluga.“ for Sirp an Estonian cultural magazine, March, 2019. https://www.sirp.ee/s1-artiklid/c9-sotsiaalia/keha-on-lahinguvali/
(German translation) “Anthropocene Materiality: Puddles, Purses, Jellies, and Nests,” for Nature after Nature, exhibition catalog, curated by Susanne Pfeffer, Kassell: Fridericianum Museum, 2018: 311-319.
(Polish translation) “Deviant Agents: The Science, Culture, and Politics of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity,” chapter from Bodily Natures, title translated as “Dewiacyjni sprawcy. Nauka, kultura oraz polityka wieloczynnikowej nadwrażliwości chemicznej,”, translated by Monika Rogowska-Stangret, "Przegląd Filozoficzno-Literacki" (Philosophical- Literary Review) 1 (46), 2017, p. 33-70. http://www.pfl.uw.edu.pl/index.php/pfl/issue/view/41
(Greek translation, crossover reprint) “Eluding Capture: The Science, Culture and Pleasure of “Queer” Animals,” translated by and with an introduction by John Giannis/Rigas Ioannis, for a DIY activist zine, with new illustrations, 2017.
(Portuguese translation). “Trans-corporeal Feminisms and the Ethical Space of Nature,” originally published in Material Feminisms. Trans., by Susana Funck. As “Feminismos transcorpóreos e o espaço ético da natureza” for special section on New (Feminist) Materialisms in Revista Estudos Feministas (Brazil) 25.2, 2017.
(Two reprints) “New Materialisms, Old Humanisms: or, Following the Submersible.” Invited position paper for “Taking Turns” series in NORA: Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research. 19.4: (December 2011): 280-284. Reprinted in Researching Gender, ed. Christina Hughes, SAGE, 2012, Sage Fundamentals of Applied Research series. Reprinted in Debates in Nordic Gender Studies: Differences Within, ed. Malin Rönnblom, Cecilia Åsberg, Taylor and Francis, 2014.
(Two reprints) “Displacing Darwin and Descartes: The Bodily Transgressions of Fielding Burke, Linda Hogan, and Octavia Butler,” ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 3.1 (Fall 1996): 47-66. Reprinted as “‘Skin Dreaming’: The Bodily Transgressions of Fielding Burke, Linda Hogan, and Octavia Butler,” in Ecofeminist Literary Criticism: Theory, Interpretation, Pedagogy, edited by Greta Gaard and Patrick D. Murphy, University of Illinois, 1998. Excerpted and reprinted in Contemporary Literary Criticism (section on Linda Hogan) ed. Jeffrey Hunter. Gale Cenage 2010: 166-174.
(Swedish Translation.) "Det nakna ordet. Den protesterande kroppens transkorporala etik." (Trans. Anna Karlsson). TGV, Tidskrift för genusvetenskap (Journal of Gender Studies), 2011: 4. (Originally, “The Naked Word: The Trans-corporeal Ethics of the Protesting Body,” 20.1 Women & Performance, 2010: 15-36.)
(Notable Distribution.) “Insurgent Vulnerability and the Carbon Footprint of Gender.” Women, Gender & Research (Kvinder, Kon og Forskning, Denmark) 3 2009: 22-35. [This special edition of the journal was distributed to government officials and NGO leaders at the global climate change talks in Copenhagen, COP15, December 2009.]
Art and Exhibitions Based on my Work
“Concha en ácido,” multiple room exhibition, by artist Elizabeth Burmann Littin, at the MAC Contemporary Art Museum, Santiago, Chile, April 2024-, based on my chapter “Your Shell on Acid,” from Exposed, which was translated into Spanish for the exhibit. Presented a Zoom talk about my chapter for the exhibit, at the museum, May 2024.
“The Naked Word: The Naked Body for Reciprocal Vulnerability,” Exhibition curated Curated by Simone Frangi and Barbara Boninsegna The Naked Word is a group exhibition with works by Marco Giordano, Jota Mombaça, Tarek Lakhrissi, Florin Flueras, Alina Popaon view at Centrale Fies, Dro Italy. July 2023---. Based on my chapter “The Naked Word,” in Exposed.
“Here and Now at Museum Ludwig: Transcorporeality.” Art exhibit in Cologne, Germany, based on my work, September 2019.
“Transcorporeality: from Bodily Natures to the Arts of the Anthropocene,” 5000 word essay for the catalog, Fall, 2020.
Random Citings:
My essay on jellyfish used by Riikka Tauriainen, a Finnisch visual artist, in a film about jellyfish (2019).
Polish Pavilion in the Venice Bienniale, “Amplifying Nature” cites Bodily Natures (2018).
Jangal, a play, performed at Teatro Praga, Portugal;
Collaborations with Artists:
Interview with Marina Zurkow and Anna Rose Hopkins, regarding my work on oceans, for their ocean art projects, August, 2020 + beta testing of the multimedia project. Discussion moderator for the premier of the work, “Soupy, Salty, Sonic” at Food x Film, Sept. 26, 2021.
Contributed 10 entries (prose poems/creative nonfiction/compressed research essays) to Marina Zurkow’s book/catalogue project, More & More “a multi-modal art and research project examining the complex interplay between global trade, shipping, import / export, legal / illegal exchange of goods and people, the deep sea, deep time, and the weather.” Published in book form, More & More: A Guide to the Harmonized System (Punctum Books: Brooklyn, 2016) and to appear as part of installations, http://punctumbooks.com/titles/moremore-a-guide-to-the-harmonized-system/
Swam with Irish swim artist Vanessa Daws at BABEL 2014 in Santa Barbara, CA, in the event “Swimography,” and wrote a brief account of the experience which she included in her essay “Psychoswimography: Santa Barbara,” in Visual Artists Newssheet, March-April 2015. http://visualartists.ie/category/van-ebulletin/visual-artists-news-sheet/ Passage that I wrote also included in the artist’s book, Psychoswimography: Santa Barbara, 2015.